i just came back to your site after a bit of an absence, and just wanted to say that i really like the new design, and how you're posting historical photos more frequently! thanks, as always. ~a.m.
Excellent! I was very interested in this very woman and wrote a post called "Annie Besant, Theosophy and Australian Women Artists": http://melbourneblogger.blogspot.com/search?q=besant
i just came back to your site after a bit of an absence, and just wanted to say that i really like the new design, and how you're posting historical photos more frequently! thanks, as always.
Excellent! I was very interested in this very woman and wrote a post called "Annie Besant, Theosophy and Australian Women Artists":
She was a pretty impressive woman, I believe.
Art and Architecture, mainly
Thank you both. Hels that was a good article of yours and led me to several fascinating links. Annie is rather a hero of mine.