Sunday, March 28, 2010

Turner's Masterpiece Modern Rome - Campo Vaccino to Be Offered For Sale

[J.M.W. Turner RA, "Modern Rome: Campo Vaccino". Oil on canvas, estimate: £12-18 million, (90.2 by 122 cm), 35.5 by 48 inches. Photo: Sotheby's]


  1. Is this the painting that used to hang in the Scottish national Gallery in Edinburgh.

  2. Yes.
    The painting has featured in no fewer than three exhibitions at the Royal Academy and has also been on public exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, The Tate and more recently in the highly acclaimed JMW Turner show at the National Gallery of Art in Washington. It has also been on loan to the National Gallery of Scotland since 1978, and was recently part of their Turner and Italy exhibition in 2009, which travelled to Ferrara and Budapest.
