Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sir Joseph Noel Paton - 'The Isle is full of Noises' Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo led by Ariel: An illustration to 'The Tempest', Act III, scene 2

signed with monogram and dated '68' (lower right)
oil on canvas
12¼ in. (31 cm.) diam.
in the original frame

Paton secured his reputation in 1850 when The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania was exhibited at the Royal Scottish Academy. Christopher Wood noted that the artist was the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's most notable Scottish acolyte such was his flair for detail. Shakespeare's other sprites continued to offer inspiration: here Ariel pipes while the three protagonists plot to overthrow Prospero.

Paton exhibited Caliban-The isle is full of noises (Tempest) at the Royal Academy in 1869, now in the collection of Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum.


  1. Amazing, Thank you for bringing this work to us..Just beautiful!

  2. I love his work, a fascinating painter - though not quite in my top 10 so to speak.

  3. This made me smile! I thank you.
