Friday, September 3, 2010

William Edward Frost - Venus disarming Cupid

Price Realized £38,240

signed and dated 'FROST. 1852.' (lower left)
oil on canvas, painted arch
35 x 28½ in. (89.9 x 78.2 cm.)

William Edward Frost was instructed by William Etty while a student at the Royal Academy and carried on the tradition of romantic nude compositions well into the Victorian age. He exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1836 until 1878 and was awarded the gold medal there in 1839 for his Prometheus Bound by Force and Strength. He was finally elected a full-member of the Royal Academy in 1870 and his diploma work was of a similar subject to the present picture: a Nymph and Cupid. Perhaps his best work is a larger scale composition of Venus disarming Cupid which he painted for Queen Victoria who gave it to Prince Albert. The latter picture was exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1850 (O. Millar, The Pictures in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen. The Victorian Pictures, I, no. 247, II, pl. 195).

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