I've long been interested in Victorian funerary statues, which to me aren't morbid, but wonderful paintings in stone.
I've only just come across Sandra Berresford's (and others) book Italian Memorial Sculpture 1820-1940 which to my great surprise and pleasure has an extensive preview on Google books:
A bit off topic I know, but these are amazing monuments, masterpieces of expression and sentiment.
I love funerary statues. When my daughter and I travel in Europe cemeteries visits are always included in the agenda.
Paris and Vienna have huge cemeteries filled with beautiful statues. I did not have enough time to visit the one in London during my last visit there.
The French and Italian are probably the best in the world. Highgate is very good and of course has the famous bust of Marx (and some unexpected feral cats!)
These sculptures can still be done today! http://www.dmsstudios.com
There just isn't the same demand for such work. DMS Studios is a stone carving studio that exists today.
Thank you for that William. I'm glad the tradition is still going, though I can imagine the cost and I guess people have different priorities now.
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