Thursday, May 31, 2012

Victorian paints

A Victorian bladder of paint before tubes were invented. Some artists preferred glass jars. The bladders would have been made from pig membrane and tied at the top with strong twine to exclude air. Artists had a wide choice of pigments that came from minerals, precious stones, rocks, vegetables, insects and plants. Some of the new colours he used came about by the advances of modern chemistry. He used: lead white, zinc white, ultramarine ash, vermilion, chromium oxide, zinc yellow, chrome yellow, cobalt blue, Prussian blue, burnt sienna, Naples yellow, madder lake, ivory black and bone black. Greens were mixed greens of chrome yellow and Prussian Blue, possibly from a tube of green paint.

Artists would have mixed their oil paint (a mixture of pigment and oil) with another liquid to make the pigment more fluid and transparent. This liquid is called the medium and a common one used was copal medium, a resin (a sticky substance produced by trees) dissolved in oil (see image) to make the paint more fluid.

Before the introduction of ready-made paint, artists had to mix paint themselves.


MJ FALCÃO said...

I'm sorry you decided to "go away"! I liked your blog! You have beautiful choices of "beauty"; or it's perhaps that yours is the kind of "beauty" I like...
Be happy wherever you go...
Waving away it's a sad image.

o falcão (the hawk)

Anonymous said...

Every time I've looked at this blog I have been grateful that you have troubled to bring these beautiful images to us. Thankyou so very much. Good health to you and every good wish from Valerie in New Zealand.

Sister Wolf said...

I just found you and I'm sorry that your health is not good! Tumblr is easy to use - perhaps you could post your stuff there?

bet blessings to you, xo

CAMILLA said...


I have discovered your Blog and see such amazing photo's. I am passionate about art and there is so much interesting literature of history to your writings.

I am so sorry to hear about your poor health, my very best healing good wishes to you.

I so hope one day you will be able to share your amazing images on another site apart from blogger.

Grzegorz Laskowski said...

Pozdrowienia dla Ciebie i Twoich gości opublikował Grzeh z Królestwa Syneloi.

Anonymous said...

Blogger have just informed me that the old blogger interface is going shortly. My health is not good most days and I can't struggle with the new interface that doesn't format properly, schedule properly and who's only good thing seems to be to re size pictures better. And don't start me on the horrible new verification.

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