oil on canvas
A picture from a thank goodness bygone age. The travelling bear both delights and terrifies. These bears were taught to 'dance' by applying heated metal plates to their feet whilst music was played. The RSPCA was formed in 1824 partly to outlaw such practices though it took a long time. As this picture vividly displays, such practices along with rat-killing, cock-fighting etc. were long and widely supported (as is fox hunting today in many country regions).
This is lovely! I adore this painter and particularly "Tug of War". Twice I came across it, once at a Centuary 21 Realestate firm in Petawawa Ontario{Canadian Army Base} and once again at a Sally Ann in Ottawa up for auction, of course I didn't have the money to bid on it but admired it from afar for a little while. Thanks for all of the history behind all these artists I so admire.
Hugs Annabelle
Thank you Annabelle I think he is really good too and I love his work.
Annabelle,I have just become the owner of "tug of War" It is in fair condition.It looks to be from the year 1906. If you are interested in it we could arrange a deal. gerryp@billnurse.com
i have a picture of the dancing bear by fredrick morgan 1856-1927 how much would it be at auction
I'm not a dealer and price would depend on a number of factors, especially whether its an original. If it is you need to have it properly valued by an expert.
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