An historic arch which once stood proudly at the entrance to Euston Station before being demolished by town planners almost 50 years ago is to be restored to its former glory after the discovery of lost stones dumped in a river.
The plans were unveiled by the Euston Arch Trust which has campaigned for the rebuilding of the Greek revival landmark.
Co-founder Dan Cruickshank said: 'The forthcoming redevelopment of Euston Station provides an unmissable opportunity to reinstate the spectacular Euston Arch.
The plans were unveiled by the Euston Arch Trust which has campaigned for the rebuilding of the Greek revival landmark.
Co-founder Dan Cruickshank said: 'The forthcoming redevelopment of Euston Station provides an unmissable opportunity to reinstate the spectacular Euston Arch.
Fascinating picture - so much damage was done when Victorian architecture was unfashionable. The Gothic glory of St.Pancras came very close to being demolished and was only saved by a determined campaign by John Betjeman.
I agree, and was surprised the article didn't mention Betjeman who founded the Victorian Society because of the Arch. Glad to hear it will be re-erected though.
I am not sure how familiar you are with the area but you might be interested in this link to St. Pancras Old Church
St. Pancras New Church is a Victorian building almost opposite Euston with very impressive Doric columns which is a model of the Erechtheion on the Acropolis.
Thanks Alice, I've been there some years ago to photograph the columns and have a look at the new British Library.
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