The large cross was designed and sculpted by the Hon. Harriet M. Ross of Rosstrevor, Ireland. It depicts scenes from the New Testament, including the Crucifixion in the centre and the Resurrection at the top. The polygonal glazed display case to the right belonged to Spiers & Son of Oxford. It contained objects and furniture made of papier mâché.
Did the Hon. Harriet Ross create the cross specially for the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851? What happened to the cross after the exhibition was over?
When Melbourne and Sydney had their world fairs in 1879 and 1880 respectively, I don't remember any religious displays. But perhaps there were and I just haven't seen the relevant discussions.
Can't trace what happened to it - but was amazed my local library still has one of the Gt Exhibition catalogues (there were a number), Found a source of watercolous I'll post over the next few weeks. I'm trying to move flats so excuse any interruptions.
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